Tuesday, November 25, 2008

live and let live or die and let die

Have you ever come across certain people who make you cringe in anguish!! Why are certain people so sadistic! What do they gain out of it... Sometimes I feel the only way to get back at them is to die with a suicide note naming these people as being responsible for this, add a line about harassment, mail a few copies to some news channels and go... The case may eventually not be proven, but atleast you would have made those people go to the slammer for a few days, get humiliated in front of everyone, and scar them for life! Calling me sadistic?! Well what do you know! These people look like they are flourishing more and more each day, its like the sadism is a manure thats nourishing them to succeed even more! If sadism is not getting to them and nothing negative is happening to them, then may be what the world assumes to be bad is not bad afterall, may everybody has got the meaning of good and bad twisted! Sometimes sweet revenge seems to be the best thing, because if you keep quiet, everything will remain the same, no protector of this universe is up there keeping tabs of all this and waiting to get back at such people! Simple theory of the world, either live and let live or die and make them die!!