Sunday, May 31, 2009


Well here I go again wondering what is life after all. I mean is there a pattern to everything that happens in life!? Religions say when you have a bad time its god's way of testing you, and when you have a good time its god's way of rewarding you. They say everything happens for a reason. Say a cheat leads a long healthy life and a supposed good person dies early, people have ways of explaining that too, and when you cant really figure it out, they just say who are we to question god's will, and we are just humans, how can we understand god's mind, and so on. If you look around, there are so many many humans, countless. There are people dying every minute. In any given natural disaster or bomb blast etc, there are tens of thousands of people washed out in a matter of seconds or minutes! Thousands who wont even be accounted for, and thousands who nobody really realizes to be gone. Does every single of these deaths have a meaning and purpose to it!? Then there are the slums and street people, people die, people just run off, beggars who dont have a history or a future, kids being born every minute, unwanted, not cared for, and most of them eventually die the same way, unlike movies where they find something extraordinary. Then there are war torn and troubled countries, afghanistan, iraq, african nations etc, people starve to death, epidemics wiping out thousands and lakhs, war wiping out entire family/village/town/city, people never found, bodies never recovered, do all these deaths have a purpose, does every human life individually have a purpose, a destination!? Hard to believe! Its more like swatting flies or stamping ants. Its just that the fly doesnt realize this, it goes on living life the way it knows, and humans go on living life thinking their every action is accounted for by someone, and their every deed is going to fetch them something at the end, little do they know that someone might just use a bug(human) balm, or stamp them any second!